Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How long will it take to sell my property?
A: Most fundamentally, a property’s sales period is determined by the price. The average sale of a property priced in accordance with market conditions takes between 3-6 months. We guarantee that we will carry out effective marketing activities that we are responsible for during our agreement. However, selling a portfolio may not necessarily be the result of doing our job right. The general situation of the real estate market is not exactly within our sphere of influence. For a faster sale, pricing should be below market expectations.

Q: Can I buy or sell a property whilst not in Turkey ?
A: Yes you can, however you would need to sign over power of attorney to complete the signature process of the sale.

Q: What is the correct price for my property?
A: One of our team memebers will recommend the correct price for your property. We know the locations, real value of the properties, and the backgrounds of the constructions in our service areas. So, you will benefit from our experience and knowledge to set a fair and correct price.

Q: What happens when someone wants to buy my property?
A: We invite you and the buyer to our office to determine the terms of the agreement. A sales agreement which includes all terms of the agreement is signed by both parties with a deposit payment and title deed applications begin.

Q: When will I receive the full payment?
A: Full payment for your property sale is received on the same day the title deed is transfered in to your name or names.

Q: Can I sell my home with furniture?
A: Yes. Some of our properties are furnished apartments and villas.